Operating Cycle Formula + Calculator

The operational cycle gives an understanding of a company’s operating capability. A shorter cycle is considered and also indicates a more capable and successful business. The shorted the cycle, the faster and efficiently the company will convert its inventory investment into cash and be capable enough to meet its obligations. On the other hand, when the OC is longer, it can create cash flow problems. Operating cycle refers to number of days a company takes in converting its inventories to cash. It equals the time taken in selling inventories (days inventories outstanding) plus the time taken in recovering cash from trade receivables (days sales outstanding).

My Accounting Course  is a world-class educational resource developed by experts to simplify accounting, finance, & investment analysis topics, so students and professionals can learn and propel their careers. The collective effect of shortening these parts can considerably impact the total economic cycle. Get instant access to video lessons taught by experienced investment bankers. Learn financial statement modeling, DCF, M&A, LBO, Comps and Excel shortcuts. In the next step, we will calculate DSO by dividing the average A/R balance by the current period revenue and multiplying it by 365.

  • Divide the cost of products sold by the average inventory to calculate a company’s inventory turnover.
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  • This article is not intended to provide tax, legal, or investment advice, and BooksTime does not provide any services in these areas.
  • You can also reduce receivables collection period by enforcing credit policies, offering early payment discounts, or using factoring or invoice financing services.
  • The difference between the two formulas lies in NOC subtracting the accounts payable period.

For example, reducing inventory levels through just-in-time systems, improving inventory management, or negotiating better supplier terms. Additionally, increasing sales turnover by offering discounts, incentives, or promotions, improving customer service, or expanding the market reach may be beneficial. You can also reduce receivables collection period by enforcing credit policies, offering early payment discounts, or using factoring or invoice financing services.

Operating Cycle

The operating cycle (OC) specifies how long it takes for a corporation to convert inventory purchases into cash revenues from a sale. The cash OC, cash conversion cycle, or asset conversion cycle are other common names. A company with an extremely short operating cycle requires less cash to maintain its operations, and so can still grow while selling at relatively small margins. Conversely, a business may have fat margins and yet still require additional financing to grow at even a modest pace, if its operating cycle is unusually long. If a company is a reseller, then the operating cycle does not include any time for production – it is simply the date from the initial cash outlay to the date of cash receipt from the customer.

For example, the net accounts receivable turnover is used to determine how often customers must pay for their product before they can make another purchase. An efficient operational process can also help reduce other costs like marketing, finance, etc. Considered from a larger perspective, the operating cycle affects the financial health of a company by giving them an idea of how much its operations will cost, as well as how quickly it can pay its debts.

In the case of resellers, the operating cycle of the company includes the day of the initial cash outlay until the day of cash receipts derived from its customer. The operating cycle allows determining the position of an enterprise in the industry, changes in its solvency, and financial position. It is considered one of the most effective indicators for assessing the effectiveness of working capital management. These measures, if adhered properly, would go a long way in minimizing not only the length of operating cycle period but also the firm’s working capital requirements. Inventory days are also an indicator of stock movement inside the organization. Debtor’s exceptional days are frequently regarded as one of the most important indicators for analyzing product demand and the importance of a specific product in comparison to its contemporaries.

His company’s OC would begin when he buys various products from suppliers to sell to customers. The OC would not stop until all products were sold and payment was collected from clients. The notion of the bond order and lengths operational cycle reflects a company’s genuine liquidity. Investors can determine a firm’s investment quality by tracking its OC’s historical record and comparing it to peer groups in the same industry.

  • (d) Selection of the shortest manufacturing cycle out of various alternatives etc.
  • Based on the length of operating cycle, the working capital finance is done by the commercial banks.
  • When a car assembly plant buys raw materials, it will not be able to receive revenue for finished cars for a few months.

This ratio is typically calculated by dividing total sales by total inventory. In order to see that the receivable conversion period is not increased, the firm should follow a rationalized credit policy based on the credit standing of customers and other relevant facts. Slack collection policies will tie-up funds for long period, increasing length of operating cycle. The length of operating cycle is the indicator of efficiency in management of short-term funds and working capital.

Kevin Henderson is a member of WSO Editorial Board which helps ensure the accuracy of content across top articles on Wall Street Oasis. Kevin is currently the Head of Execution and a Vice President at Ion Pacific This content was originally created by member WallStreetOasis.com and has evolved with the help of our mentors. Our writing and editorial staff are a team of experts holding advanced financial designations and have written for most major financial media publications. Our work has been directly cited by organizations including Entrepreneur, Business Insider, Investopedia, Forbes, CNBC, and many others.


A negative CCC means that the business is paying its suppliers later than it is collecting from its customers, which creates a positive cash flow from operations. A positive CCC means that the business is paying its suppliers sooner than it is collecting from its customers, which creates a negative cash flow from operations. The difference between the two calculations is that NOC subtracts the accounts payable period from the first.

What is the approximate value of your cash savings and other investments?

The Operating Cycle tracks the number of days between the initial date of inventory purchase and the receipt of cash payment from customer credit purchases. Calculating Operating Cycle with the help of this formula, is very easy. Suppose ABC Company manufacturers soap, and it is kept in warehouses for ten days.

Significance of OC

This is done because the NOC is only concerned with the time between paying for inventory to the cash collected from the sale of inventory. A shorter operating cycle indicates that a company can quickly convert its resources into cash, which is essential for efficient working capital management. The operating cycle of every industry and related business entity is different from the other industry. The operating cycle of a retailer is the time between the purchase of merchandise inventory and later selling the same. It is important to keep the operating cycle as short as possible in business to meet the cash requirements of a business.

This is done because the NOC is only concerned with the period between paying for merchandise and receiving payment from its sale. GAAP requires that assets and liabilities must be broken out into current and non-current categories on a balance sheet. This allows the financial statement user to see what assets will be used and what liabilities will come due in the current year or current operating cycle. The net operating cycle is also recognized as the operating cycle’s conversion cycle minus days payable outstanding. The operational cycle is significant because it may notify a business owner how soon goods can be sold. However, you can also calculate the ratio by dividing the cost of products sold by the average inventory.

Factors Impacting the Operating Cycle

In other words, it is the time it takes for a corporation to convert its inventories into cash. Understanding a company’s operating cycle can assist assess its financial health by predicting whether or not it will be able to pay off any creditors. In order to improve the efficiency of the operating cycle and reduce the CCC, there are a few strategies you can implement.

Since there are no credit sales, time taken in recovering cash from accounts receivable is zero. The NOC computation differs from the first in subtracting the accounts payable period from the first because the NOC is only concerned with the time between purchasing items and getting payment from their sale. This is calculated by dividing 365 with the quotient of cost of goods sold and average inventory or inventory turnover. The longer the operating cycle, the more cash is tied up in operations (i.e. working capital needs), which directly lowers a company’s free cash flow (FCF). An Operating Cycle (OC) refers to the days required for a business to receive inventory, sell the inventory, and collect cash from the sale of the inventory. This cycle plays a major role in determining the efficiency of a business.

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